Chelsea Karpinko

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Chelsea is a 34 year old wife and mother to two amazing kids. She currently resides in Soddy Daisy, TN. Though she has lived many places, she calls Pittsburgh home and yes, she is a Steelers fan!
She has a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and a M.S. in Accounting from SUNY Buffalo.
Chelsea is 1 in 5 people who suffers from depression and anxiety. She hopes by sharing her story others will feel more comfortable sharing theirs. Not only does she want to end the stigma but also provide insight into what mental health disabilities are like.

May 3, 2022

20-Who is Going to Hug Mom? (Chelsea's postpartum depression situatio…

Maternal mental health is often overlooked or ignored despite the advances in “normalizing” mental health in general. Mental health disorders affecting the perinatal or postpartum period are in fact more common than recogniz...

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