Another Situation

Another Situation

Ingrid Dutton and Jessica Maerz are two sisters who love telling and listening to stories. Join us as we retell our stories, historical stories, and listener stories in a straightforward and interactive way. Our goal is to use these situations not only to educate, but also to provide a platform for others to share their struggles and/or accomplishments. We want to create an atmosphere where listeners feel like they’re surrounded by friends while they identify with and support others. You may find yourself laughing, crying, cheering, and struggling along with us each step of the way. A Point5Pinoy production.

If you would like to share your situation, click on the “register as a guest” tab and we will be in touch.

Recent Episodes

Oct. 29, 2024

86-Donde Esta the Mouse? (nonsensical updates)

Ever tried to change your face with a clothespin? We've been there, and we’re spilling all the hilarious details! Join us as we look back at six months packed with adventures and reflections. From cheering at a Packers game t...
April 23, 2024

85-She Dropped the Skirt (Dr. Mary Walker)

Dec. 5, 2023

84-Phonetically French (the story behind the Michelin Man)

Innovation and progress. That’s what we’re all about here at Another Situation. Or just randomness that interests us. Join the ladies today as Ingrid talks about an internationally known name and mascot. Support the show Cont...

About the Hosts

Ingrid Dutton Profile Photo

Ingrid Dutton

Hi friends!

I was born to a first generation Filipina immigrant. My mom moved to the United States toting her nursing degree, where she met my dad in Athens, Georgia who was stationed as a sailor at the time. I was born not long after.

Leaving the south a few years later, we moved to small-town Wisconsin where I spent the rest of my childhood.

Following in my mom’s footsteps, I pursued a career in nursing and my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Winona State University in Minnesota.

After graduation, I immediately moved from the frozen tundra to sunny Orlando, Florida where I spent the next 17 years of my life. While there I obtained my Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Central Florida. After working as a Nurse Practitioner in cardiology and transplant for several years, I headed north to beautiful Tennessee igniting my southern roots once again.

I remain in Tennessee and have three lovely children along with two adorable pyredoodles and a newly added cavapoo!

I was blessed with the gift of gab and I'm a sucker for a good (and even not so good) story. Some say I may talk too much…which makes podcasting the perfect hobby for me! Of course, being a bossy older sister, I had to drag my little sis along for the ride.

We are far from professionals, but absolutely love what we are doing. The opportunity we have had meeting, connecting and speaking with people has been amazing. We have educated ourselves and each other on a variety of topics and have already listened to and discussed some extraordinary situations.

Thank you to all who have listened, shared, and supported us!

Jessica Maerz Profile Photo

Jessica Maerz

Hey everyone! I was born in Athens, GA and moved with my family to Wisconsin when I was a toddler. I grew up in WI and attempted college at Winona State in MN that led into building life long friendships, but no college degree. Lol. When I was 21, I moved to Orlando, FL and began working as a patient registration rep with Florida Hospital. A couple months after moving there, 9/11 happened. Coming from a long line of Veterans in my family (dad, grandfather, several uncles, aunt, and great uncles - apparently we have had a family member in every war/conflict since the American Revolution), I knew I wanted to make a difference so I decided to join the military. In January 2003 (it took that long for a female spot to open up!), I left to go to boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. I spent five and a half years as an avionics technician with EA-6Bs and P-3Cs up at NAS Whidbey Island, WA. I got out and moved back to Orlando to finish up my B.A. and eventually my masters in social work from UCF. After graduating with my masters, my first job was earning $13/hour as a case manager for a non-profit organization for people who were homeless, at risk of becoming homeless and/or disabled. Interesting side fact, I ran a food pantry and also qualified to receive items from the food pantry because of my low income status. Smh. Anyway….. after a year there, I started working as a social worker at the Orlando VA with homeless Veterans. I loved it. Shortly after, I fell in love with my husband, who is still active duty and who I met when I was in the Navy, and he got orders from FL back to WA. So bye bye VA job and hello again to Whidbey. I worked with the Dept of the Navy as a civilian doing counseling, family advocacy, and suicide response. Once again, my husband was up for orders so that move brought us down to the great state of Texas. I'm now back with the VA, this time working in suicide prevention. I feel very fortunate to have all of the opportunities I have.

On a less occupational side of me, I have two amazing children who are 4 and 3. They're the 2nd and 3rd loves of my life, but they tie for 2nd. Fourth loves are the Green Bay Packers and Wisconsin Badgers. Everything else in the world falls after them. Shhhhh. Don't tell Ingrid!

I started this podcast with Ingrid with the full belief it wouldn't last and all I had to do was read emails, but look at us now! A website where I have to write a bio, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and god knows
what other platform she got us on!! All joking aside, it is a privilege being able to share everyone's situations and bring awareness to topics that aren't always in the limelight, but should be.

Thanks for listening. I truly hope you enjoy and as always, reach out if you want to hear about
something or want to share a story yourself! Let me just sit back and read emails, dang it!!!!


I love these girls!

"They are so fun and bright. Their voices add so much to the stories. I can't wait to see what's up next."

Laura Dahlke | May 6, 2022

Great listening!

"This podcast is well done. Ingrid and Jessica bring a lot of energy, authenticity, compassion and just the right dose of humor to their story-telling. They a natural-born storytellers."

Linda Bollenbach | May 11, 2022

Love these girls and this podcast!

"ASP is bomb! Ingrid and Jessica have such charisma. I love their stories and their banter. They do their research!"

Michelle Harris | Jan. 3, 2023